Goats Milk Cream Cheese: Nutritious and Delicious Alternative




About Marc MacDonald

I’ve been raising goats for nearly 20 years now. Over those years, I accumulated a lot of information about goats and what works and what doesn’t.

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Goat Milk Cream Cheese
Goat Milk Cream Cheese

Goat milk cream cheese is a delicious and tangy alternative to traditional cream cheese made from cow’s milk. Made from fresh goat milk, it offers a unique flavor profile and a lighter, fluffier texture than its cow’s milk counterpart, making it a popular choice for those looking for a slightly different twist on their favorite spread. With a growing interest in artisanal and locally-sourced dairy products, goat milk cream cheese is becoming increasingly popular among cheese enthusiasts, foodies, and health-conscious consumers alike.

Tricks for Making Goat Milk Cream Cheese

The process of making goat milk cream cheese is similar to that of making cow’s milk cream cheese, with a few key differences to account for the unique properties of goat milk. Goat milk does not naturally separate into cream like cow milk does, so you’ll need to separate the cream first, after which the milk is heated and mixed with a cream cheese culture. Once the cheese has been cultured and set, it’s drained and ready for use. From sweet to savory, goat milk cream cheese can be used in various recipes and is a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire.

Key Takeaways

  • Goat milk cream cheese offers a unique flavor and lighter texture compared to cow’s milk cream cheese
  • The process of making goat milk cream cheese involves separating the cream, heating, culturing, and draining
  • This versatile cheese can be used in a variety of recipes and enjoyed by cheese lovers and health-conscious consumers.

What Is Goat Milk Cream Cheese

Goat milk cream cheese is a type of cheese made from the milk of goats. It is a soft, spreadable cheese with a rich, creamy texture that can be used in various dishes or enjoyed on its own.

Comparison to Cow Milk Cream Cheese

Goat milk cream cheese differs from cow milk cream cheese in several ways:

  • Milk source: As the name suggests, goat milk cream cheese is made from goat’s milk, while cow milk cream cheese is made from cow’s milk.
  • Fat content: Goat milk has a lower fat content compared to cow milk, resulting in a slightly less rich and creamy texture in goat milk cream cheese.
  • Lactose: Goat milk contains lower levels of lactose than cow milk, making goat milk cream cheese a potential alternative for those with lactose intolerance.
  • Sodium: Goat milk cream cheese typically has a lower sodium content compared to cow milk cream cheese.
Goat Milk Cream Cheese
Goat Milk Cream Cheese – different flavors and cheese sauce

Nutritional Benefits

Goat milk cream cheese offers several nutritional benefits:

  • Calcium: Goat milk is a good source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
  • Vitamins: Goat milk cream cheese is rich in vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin B2, which support overall health and wellbeing.
  • Minerals: Goat milk cream cheese contains essential minerals like iron, copper, and phosphorus, which play vital roles in various bodily functions.

Taste Profile

The taste profile of goat milk cream cheese is described as:

  • Tangy: Goat milk cream cheese often has a slightly tangy or tart flavor, which sets it apart from the milder taste of cow milk cream cheese.
  • Fresh and clean: Goat milk cream cheese has a clean, refreshing taste that is characteristic of products made from goat’s milk.
  • Citrus notes: Some goat milk cream cheeses may have subtle citrus notes that contribute to their unique flavor profile.

Remember to consume goat milk cream cheese in moderation due to its high saturated fat content. Overall, goat milk cream cheese is a delicious and nutritious alternative to cow milk cream cheese, and can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes.

How to Make Goat Milk Cream Cheese

Equipment and Ingredients

To make goat’s milk cream cheese, you’ll need the following equipment and ingredients:

  • Goat’s milk: You can use either pasteurized or raw goat milk, depending on your preference and availability.
  • Thermometer: A reliable thermometer is necessary to accurately measure temperatures during cheesemaking.
  • Acidification materials: You can use buttermilk or lemon juice which will help in the acidification process.
  • Rennet: Liquid rennet helps in curdling the milk.
  • Cheesecloth or butter muslin: These are essential to properly strain the curds and whey.
  • Colander: A large colander is necessary to strain the curds in the cheesecloth.
  • Cheese salt and dried herbs (optional): You can add cheese salt and dried herbs to enhance flavor.

Cheesemaking Process

Time needed: 4 hours

There are 4 overall steps to making goat cream cheese: Acidification, Curdling, Draining and Ripening. See the step by step instructions below.

  1. Measure Ingredients and Heat

    Measure your goat’s milk into a saucepan and place it on the stove over medium heat. Heat the milk, stirring frequently, until it reaches 180 degrees Fahrenheit (87 degrees Celsius). Using the thermometer, ensure the temperature is accurate.

  2. Acidification

    Slowly add buttermilk or lemon juice to acidify the milk, stirring gently. This will also help the milk coagulate into curds.

  3. Curdling

    Combine 1/2 teaspoon of liquid rennet with 1/4 cup of cool, non-chlorinated water. Stir the rennet mixture into the warmed milk. Then, cover and let it sit for about an hour at room temperature. During this time, the milk will further coagulate, forming larger curds.

  4. Prepare for Draining

    Once the curds have formed, line the colander with cheesecloth or butter muslin and place it over a large bowl to collect the whey.

  5. Draining

    Pour the curds and whey into the lined colander. Allow the whey to drain for a few hours, or until the desired consistency of the cream cheese is reached.

  6. Flavoring

    Scoop the drained curds into a mixing bowl and add any desired flavors such as cheese salt or dried herbs. Mix well to combine.

  7. Ripening

    Transfer the goat’s milk cream cheese into an airtight container and refrigerate. The cream cheese will continue to ripen and develop its flavor in the refrigerator.

By following these simple steps, you can create delicious goat’s milk cream cheese at home using essential equipment and ingredients. Remember to monitor temperatures and ensure proper handling of the milk to ensure the best possible results.

Recipes and Variations

Basic Goat Cream Cheese Recipe

To make homemade cream cheese from goat milk, follow these steps:

  1. Warm 1 gallon of goat milk to about 70°F in a stainless steel pan, stirring to ensure even heating.
  2. Add 1 cup of buttermilk and mix thoroughly.
  3. Stir in a mixture of 1 drop of rennet in 1/4 cup of cold water and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cover the pot and allow it to sit at room temperature for 24 hours.
  5. Sprinkle about 1/2 tsp of salt over the mixture and whisk lightly to mix.

The result is a delicious homemade goat milk cream cheese that can be enjoyed on its own or used in various recipes.

Adding Flavors

Herbs: You can enhance the taste of your homemade goat milk cream cheese by adding fresh or dried herbs. Combine any of the following herbs with your prepared cream cheese:

  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Dill
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme

Inclusions: Gauge the texture of your fresh goat cheese by incorporating some of these ingredients:

  • Dried fruits like apricots, cherries, or cranberries
  • Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, or pecans
  • Honey, maple syrup or a fruit compote

Alternative Methods for Goat Cheese

Chevre: Chevre is a soft, tangy goat cheese with a mild flavor. To make chevre:

  1. Heat 1 gallon of goat milk to 72°F
  2. Sprinkle 1/8 tsp of mesophilic culture and let it sit for a minute before stirring.
  3. Let the mixture sit at room temperature for 2 hours to ripen.
  4. Dilute 2 drops of rennet in 1/4 cup of non-chlorinated water and stir gently into the ripened milk.

Goat Cottage Cheese: You can make an alternative soft cheese by following these steps to produce goat cottage cheese:

  1. Heat 1 gallon of goat milk to 185°F
  2. Measure 1/2 tsp of citric acid into 1/4 cup of water and stir.
  3. Add the citric acid solution to the heated milk with 5-7 strokes and stop stirring.
  4. The curds will be smaller and more fragile than cow’s milk cheeses.

Remember to strain the curds and press in a cheesecloth for both chevre and cottage cheese.

Storing and Serving

Refrigeration and Shelf Life

Once you have prepared goat’s milk cream cheese, it is essential to store it correctly. Refrigerate your goat’s milk cream cheese in an airtight container to maintain freshness and keep out any odors from other foods. The cream cheese should be stored at a consistent temperature between 34° and 40°F. The shelf life of homemade goat’s milk cream cheese is typically around 7-10 days in the refrigerator. It’s important to remember that the older the cheese gets, the tangier it will become.

To store your cream cheese for an extended period, freezing is also an option. Place the cream cheese in a freezer-safe container or zipper-top freezer bag. Be sure to label the bag with the date and lay it flat in the freezer, allowing enough space for expansion. Properly stored cream cheese can last in the freezer for around three months. When you are ready to use the frozen cream cheese, defrost it in the refrigerator for several hours to ensure a smooth consistency.

Serving Suggestions

Goat’s milk cream cheese is a versatile ingredient and can be used in various dishes or as a spread. Here are some serving suggestions:

  • Breakfast: Spread goat’s milk cream cheese on toast, bagels, or English muffins. For a tangy twist, you can combine it with some fruit preserves or honey.
  • Appetizers: Use it as a base for dips or combine it with fresh herbs to create a flavorful spread for crackers and raw vegetables.
  • Salads: Crumble the cream cheese over a mixed green salad to add a creamy, tangy element to your meal.
  • Main dishes: Incorporate goat’s milk cream cheese into pasta sauces or use it as a stuffing for chicken breasts or mushroom caps.

Remember to always serve goat’s milk cream cheese at room temperature for the best flavor and texture. When bringing it to room temperature, remove it from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving.

Goat Cheese cream sauce recipe

Here’s a simple goat milk cream cheese sauce recipe:

  1. In a saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat.
  2. Add 1 clove of minced garlic and sauté for 1 minute until fragrant.
  3. Stir in 4 ounces of goat milk cream cheese and cook until it has melted and combined with the butter and garlic.
  4. Add 1 cup of milk, stirring continuously.
  5. Season with salt and pepper, and cook for a few more minutes until the sauce has thickened.
    Serve this sauce with pasta, vegetables, or dishes like chicken.

Video – Goat’s Milk Cream Cheese in Cheese Cake

Chef Natali Machado demonstrates how to make cheese cake with goat cream cheese in this video. You can see the goat cheese addition at 1:21.

Goat Cream Cheese Video

Frequently Asked Questions

Is goat milk cream cheese healthy?

Goat milk cream cheese is generally considered a healthier alternative to cow milk cream cheese. It is easier to digest due to its lower casein content and it has smaller fat molecules. Additionally, goat milk contains more vitamins and minerals than cow milk, making it a nutritious option.

Can you make cheesecake from goat milk cream cheese?

Yes, you can make cheesecake using goat milk cream cheese. The taste and texture may be slightly different than traditional cheesecake made with cow milk cream cheese, but it is still delicious. Goat milk cream cheese can provide a unique, tangy flavor to your cheesecake recipe.

How do you cook with goat milk cream cheese?

Goat milk cream cheese can be used in various recipes as a substitute for cow milk cream cheese. You can use it in dips, spreads, salads, or as a topping for vegetables or crackers. It can also be used in cooking, such as in pasta sauces, soups, and baked goods.

Can you make frosting with goat cheese?

Yes, goat milk cream cheese can be used to make frosting for cakes, cupcakes, or other baked goods. To make a goat milk cream cheese frosting, mix 4 ounces of softened goat milk cream cheese with 1/4 cup of softened butter, 2 cups of powdered sugar, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract until smooth and fluffy. Adjust the consistency by adding more powdered sugar or milk if needed.

How do you start a goat cream cheese culture?

To make your own goat milk cream cheese, you’ll need a culture starter, which can either be a store-bought mesophilic culture or a homemade culture using buttermilk or kefir. Combine 1 gallon of goat milk with the culture starter, following the instructions on the package or recipe. Allow the mixture to ferment at room temperature for 12-24 hours. Once set, strain the curds using cheesecloth, and hang it to drain the whey for 6-12 hours. Once it reaches your desired consistency, season with salt and store in the refrigerator.

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