Goats Milk Caramel: Delicious Treats and Versatile Uses




About Marc MacDonald

I’ve been raising goats for nearly 20 years now. Over those years, I accumulated a lot of information about goats and what works and what doesn’t.

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Goat milk caramel
Goat’s milk caramel

Goat milk caramel, also known as cajeta, is a delicious and traditional Mexican confection made by simmering goat’s milk and sugar together. With its rich, creamy texture and distinctive tangy flavor, goat milk caramel has become increasingly popular as a versatile dessert ingredient and topping. This mouthwatering treat can be used in various classic and creative recipes, making it an excellent addition to any dessert repertoire.

Uses of Goat’s Milk Caramel

Making goat milk caramel involves a time-honored process, which typically includes boiling the goat’s milk along with sugar, and sometimes cinnamon and a pinch of salt, until it reaches the desired caramel-like consistency. The result is a luscious and velvety confection that can be drizzled on ice cream, used as a dip for fruit, or even incorporated into baked goods. Additionally, goat milk caramel can be paired with different foods and flavors, allowing for endless culinary exploration and creativity.

Key Takeaways

  • Goat milk caramel, or cajeta, is a traditional Mexican confection made from simmered goat’s milk and sugar.
  • The process for creating cajeta can be time-consuming, but the result is a versatile and delectable treat suitable for many dessert applications.
  • This delectable caramel can be incorporated into various recipes and paired with different foods, offering endless possibilities for creativity and enjoyment.

Goats Milk Caramel: An Overview

Origins and History

Goats milk caramel, often referred to as Cajeta in Latin America, has been a popular sweet treat for centuries. The origins of this delightful confection trace back to Spain, and it was later introduced to Latin America where it became more widespread. Made by combining goat milk with sugar and other ingredients, the process involves slowly heating the mixture until it reaches a thick, caramel consistency.

Cajeta vs. Dulce de Leche

While Cajeta and Dulce de Leche may seem similar, there are a few key differences between the two. The primary distinction is the type of milk used in each recipe:

  • Cajeta: This caramel is made using goat’s milk, which provides a unique, slightly tangy flavor compared to cow’s milk.
  • Dulce de Leche: Traditional Dulce de Leche, popular in many Latin American countries, is made with cow’s milk rather than goat’s milk. As a result, it has a milder, creamier flavor than Cajeta.

Despite the difference in milk, both Cajeta and Dulce de Leche share the same sweet, caramel taste and a similar process of slow cooking until it reaches the desired consistency.

Nutritional Benefits

Switching to goat’s milk caramel has a few nutritional advantages as well. Goat’s milk naturally contains fewer calories and less fat than cow’s milk, making it a slightly healthier choice. Additionally, goat’s milk is a good source of calcium, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals. When incorporated into the caramel-making process, these nutritional benefits can contribute to a healthier and more unique treat.

Lactose Intolerance

Goat’s milk is known to be easier to digest for individuals with lactose intolerance, making goats milk caramel a more suitable option for those with dairy sensitivities. While it is true that goat’s milk still contains lactose, the amount is lower in comparison to cow’s milk. It also contains a different type of fat that is easier for the human body to digest, making goat’s milk an appealing alternative for those who struggle with traditional dairy products.

Making Goats Milk Caramel

Making Goat Milk caramel
Making Goat Milk Caramel

Our standard recipe is below. See the sections further down for variation.


  • 4 cups goat’s milk
  • 1 cup sugar (brown sugar or piloncillo for a richer flavor)
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup, honey, or glucose
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt or sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or seeds from 1 vanilla bean
  • Optional: 1/4 cup rum, bourbon, espresso, or strongly brewed coffee for flavor variation

Cooking Process

Time needed: 1 hour and 40 minutes

Instructions for Making Goat’s milk caramel

  1. Combine Goat Milk and Sugars

    In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, combine goat’s milk, sugar, corn syrup (or honey or glucose), and salt. Place the pot over medium-high heat, stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar.

  2. Add baking soda

    When the mixture reaches a simmer, remove it from the heat, add the baking soda, and stir until fully incorporated.

  3. Cook the caramel until it thickens

    Return the pot to the heat and continue to cook, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. You should maintain a simmer and adjust the heat as necessary. The caramel will gradually thicken and darken in color.

  4. Add Flavoring

    When the caramel reaches about 225-235°F (use a candy thermometer), remove it from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract (or vanilla bean seeds) and any optional flavorings such as rum, bourbon, espresso, or coffee.

Preventing Scorching and High Heat Issues

To prevent scorching and high heat issues during the cooking process, follow these tips:

  • Use a heavy-bottomed pot to distribute heat evenly.
  • Stir the caramel constantly to avoid burning.
  • Keep the heat at medium-high and adjust as needed to maintain a simmer.
  • Do not cover the pot during cooking as it may cause the caramel to boil over.

Storing and Shelf Life

Once your goat’s milk caramel is done, allow it to cool to room temperature before transferring it to an airtight container. Store the caramel sauce in the fridge for up to two weeks. When you want to use it, simply reheat the sauce gently over low heat or in the microwave.

For a chewy caramel candy, pour the caramel mixture into a parchment-lined baking dish, spreading it out evenly, and allow it to cool and set at room temperature for several hours. Cut the set caramel into pieces and wrap individually in wax or parchment paper. Store the candies in an airtight container at room temperature, and they will last up to two weeks.

Classic and Creative Recipes

Traditional Goats Milk Caramel

This classic recipe uses goat milk, sugar, and a vanilla bean to create a rich, velvety caramel. To make it, simply combine 4 cups of goat milk, 1 cup of sugar, and a split vanilla bean in a saucepan. Cook the mixture on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is thick and golden brown.

Mexican Cajeta

Cajeta is a delicious Mexican version of goat milk caramel, known for its depth of flavor. The main difference between traditional caramel and cajeta is the addition of cinnamon. To make cajeta, start by combining 4 cups of goat milk, 1 cup of sugar, a cinnamon stick, and a split vanilla bean in a saucepan. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture becomes a rich, caramel color.

Some popular ways to enjoy cajeta include:

  • Drizzled on top of cake, pie, or cheesecake
  • As a filling for crepes
  • Spread on toast

Goats Milk Caramel with Spices

If you’re looking to add a unique twist to your goat milk caramel, consider incorporating spices. Begin with the base recipe for traditional goat milk caramel and add your choice of spices, such as 1/4 tsp of ground nutmeg, a pinch of ground cloves, or even a dash of cayenne pepper for a bit of heat. The addition of spices will not only provide a unique flavor but also contribute to that extra depth of flavor that makes this caramel truly exceptional.

Coffee-Infused Caramel

For coffee lovers, infusing your goat milk caramel with the rich, bold flavor of coffee is a must-try. To do this, simply add 1/4 cup of strong, brewed coffee to your traditional goat milk caramel recipe. The result is a delightful caramel sauce that pairs perfectly with desserts like cheesecake or a warm slice of pie.

Serving Ideas and Pairings


Goat milk caramel, often referred to as Cajeta, can be used to elevate many dessert dishes. Here are a few delectable selections:

  • Ice Cream: Drizzle goat milk caramel over your favorite ice cream flavors for a rich and creamy addition.
  • Bread: Spread the caramel on warm, toasted bread or use it as a dipping sauce for churros.
  • Fruit: Create a delightful fruit dip or drizzle it over fresh fruit for a touch of sweetness.
  • Cookies: Top cookies with caramel or use it as a filling between layers.
  • Chocolate: Combine with chocolate to create a decadent caramel truffle or use as a fondue for dipping fruit and other treats.
  • Crepes: Spread goat milk caramel inside a warm crepe and add fruits or other fillings for a delicious breakfast or dessert option.


Goat milk caramel can also be incorporated into various beverages, adding a touch of unique sweetness:

  • Tea: Stir a spoonful of cajeta into hot tea for a sweet, creamy flavor.
  • Espresso: Swirl it into your espresso or latte for a rich, indulgent twist.

Savory Dishes with Goat Milk Caramel

Though goat milk caramel is often associated with sweet dishes, it can be incorporated and paired with savory dishes as well:

Mexican Cajeta: In Mexico, cajeta is traditionally used as a topping for savory dishes like tacos or enchiladas. Its sweetness can perfectly balance out the spiciness of the dish, enhancing its flavor profile.

Be creative and experiment with goat milk caramel in various recipes to discover new and exciting combinations that suit your personal taste.

Video – Making Goat’s Milk Caramel

The video below is concise and gets right to the point. It is a demonstration of how to make delicious goat milk caramel, also known as Cajeta, or Mexican caramel sauce. The chef uses a cinnamon stick, called canela, for additional flavor.

Making Goats Milk Caramel Video

Frequently Asked Questions

How is cajeta made?

Cajeta is a goat’s milk caramel sauce prepared by simmering ultra-pasteurized goat’s milk along with sugar and other ingredients like vanilla until it thickens into a sweet sauce with a tangy finish. The process is quite simple but may take some time, as the milk needs to be cooked down to achieve the desired consistency.

What is dulce de leche?

Dulce de leche is a similar dessert sauce to cajeta, but it is typically made using evaporated cow’s milk rather than goat’s milk. This caramel-like sauce is cooked down until it reaches a thick consistency and is often used in various desserts, pastries, and as a spread or topping.

Can I make cajeta with cow milk?

While cajeta is traditionally made with goat’s milk, it can be possible to make a similar sauce using cow’s milk. However, this would result in a different flavor profile. Cajeta made from goat’s milk has a distinct tangy taste, while cow’s milk would yield a milder, creamier flavor, making it more like dulce de leche than true cajeta.

What is Mexican caramel sauce?

Mexican caramel sauce, or cajeta, is a traditional goat’s milk caramel. Often enjoyed as a dessert topping, it differs from other caramel sauces due to its unique tangy flavor resulting from the use of goat’s milk. This versatile sauce can be drizzled over ice cream, fruit, pancakes, or even used as a filling for pastries.

Where can I purchase Goat’s Milk Caramel Sauce?

Cajeta can be found in some specialty food stores or online. Keep in mind that when purchasing cajeta, it’s essential to ensure it is made from goat’s milk to enjoy the genuine, authentic flavor of this Mexican caramel sauce.

Does cajeta have an expiration date?

Cajeta can be stored in a heat-resistant, wide-mouth glass jar and refrigerated for up to 3 months. It is important to allow the cajeta to cool and stabilize before refrigerating it. Remember to check the consistency before use, as it may become too thick when refrigerated and may need to be thinned with a touch of milk or water.

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