Raising Kinder Goats: Ultimate Guide for Beginners




About Marc MacDonald

I’ve been raising goats for nearly 20 years now. Over those years, I accumulated a lot of information about goats and what works and what doesn’t.

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raising kinder goats

New breeds of many different animals are being bred all the time, including goats. One of these newer goat breeds that is gaining in popularity is the Kinder goat. For its size, it has quite a high milk yield, and the milk is sweeter than the milk from other goat breeds. Its butterfat content is also higher. The milk from the Kinder goat is ideal for making cheese and soap.

Not only do Kinder goats produce great milk, their meat is also quite tasty, and it has even won awards in various meat-tasting competitions. If you are looking for goats to raise as family pets, or are a first-time goat owner, Kinder goats are ideal, as they are quite easy to handle.    

While Kinder goats are used mainly for milk and meat, they can also be used for fiber production. They don’t produce the fine fiber that comes from other goat breeds, but they do have a medium length coat that produces some fiber. Kinder goats that are used for meat have skins used for leather.

Kinder goats are the only truly dual purpose goat that is great for both meat and milk production. This makes Kinders an excellent choice for anyone who wants to raise goats, from hobbyists to homesteaders to farmers. They are medium sized, so they are not difficult to handle, and they are friendly and playful.

Kinder Goats Origin

raising kinder goats

The Kinder goat is a cross between a pygmy goat and a Nubian goat, and was developed at Zederkamm Farm in Snohomish, Washington, United States. This is a relatively new breed, developed in 1985. The Nubian buck on the farm passed away, and there were two does left without a mate.

The farmer had pygmy goats, and decided to try and breed them rather than send his does to another farm to be bred. The does were two breedings that succeeded, and the first three of these new goats were born between June and July 1986. The following year, a Kinder buck came along.

Zederkamm Farm was quite pleased with how quickly the buck grew, and they were also impressed with the temperament of these sweet animals. It didn’t hurt that they are also absolutely adorable to look at. The breed began to grow, and the farm began kidding the does. It was discovered that the does produced a high milk yield, and kidding was relatively easy. These goats also produce about two or three kids per litter. Finally, they tried the meat and discovered that it is quite delicious.

Kinder Goats Characteristics

The Kinder goat is medium sized, and can be found in a variety of colors. How tall are Kinder goats?  Both does and bucks stand a minimum of 20 inches, with the maximum height being 28 inches for bucks. The does are a maximum height of 26 inches.

The average body weight of an adult Kinder buck is around 140 pounds, and the females tend to weigh in at around 120 pounds. Kinder goats have short to medium hair that is silky and shiny, and the ears are medium length and tubular in shape. They stick out from the sides of the head, and tend to be the same color as the coats.

Kinder goats have horns, which are short and stick out backwards. They are actually born with the horns, but in most cases the goats are disbudded when they are approximately three weeks old. These goats reach puberty around four to 10 months of age. Females can be bred at 18 months, and males can be bred at one year. They have one breeding cycle annually, and one Kinder buck can breed 20 to 30 does in a single season.

Kinder goats are mainly used for two purposes, milk and meat production. Those that are used for meat production are also skinned for leather. These are good-natured animals that make great family pets, and they are fun to have around. They have delicious milk with high a butterfat content, as well as more milk solids, which is why it is excellent for making cheese.

Because there are multiple Kinder goat uses, they are great for both milk and meat, and they are gentle and even tempered, making them great for homesteaders who want to raise their own food. They are also ideal for anyone who would like to get into breeding goats for meat and milk. Of course, as mentioned earlier, they also make wonderful pets. They are easy to feed, and it won’t cost a fortune for you to keep them in fodder.

Kinder goats come in a variety of colors, with the most popular being reddish brown, or brown and black. The goats that are reddish brown or brown in color often have a black stripe going down the middle of their backs. The does and bucks have similar colors, and there are few pattern variations. This is a sturdy, medium sized goat that has a fuller figure and long legs. They have absolutely adorable faces, and they are generally happy animals.

Raising Kinder Goats

raising kinder goats

Now it’s time to talk about how to raise Kinder goats. The first thing you need to learn about is proper shelter for your goats. They need to have housing that is warm and comfortable, where they can take shelter from the weather, and a comfortable place to sleep and eat. There should be a separate Kinder goats shelter for breeding purposes.

Goats need to have a shelter that is clean and dry, and it is a good idea to give them a raised shelter. It should be easy to clean, and have a good ventilation system and plenty of light. Make sure you have 20 to 25 square feet of space for each goat if you are going to stall feed them.

You also need to think about feeding. The most important thing about raising and breeding Kinder goats is what you are feeding them. They should have food that is nutrition, and they need grains and greens since they are used for dairy and meat. These goats also need vitamins and minerals; your veterinarian can tell you what they should have in their diets.

Also, always make sure your goats have access to fresh, clean water. Don’t feed your goats foods that have strong flavors, such as onion, garlic, cabbage, and mint; these foods can cause the milk to have a tainted flavor.

One of the best things about Kinder goats is that you can raise them pretty much anywhere. They can tolerate all climates, and they are common so you can find plenty of Kinder goat breeders in the United States.

One thing to keep in mind is that while Kinder goats do make great pets, it probably isn’t a very good idea to have them as house pets. They do tend to like to gnaw on things, and they wouldn’t have any issues about chewing on your furniture. They are also not very easy to toilet train, so it is best to keep them in their own habitat where they belong.

Breeding Kinder Goats

raising kinder goats

One of the great things about Kinder goats is that they are good breeding goats. In most cases, natural breeding is done, and you will rarely need to intervene unless there are problems with the birthing. In most cases, a healthy buck can impregnate 25 to 35 does in a single season.

These goats have an extended breeding period, unlike other goat breeds, and the cycle is an average of 21 days. The gestation period is approximately 150 days. They are awesome mothers, and will lactate for approximately 280 days. They are also quite easy to milk, and they won’t move around a lot.  

Unlike other goat breeds, Kinder does are very prolific, and you can breed them at any time of the year. They tend to have multiple births, and it isn’t unusual for them to have quadruplets and even quintuplets. They are muscular goats, something that is not common in dairy goats. Most of the time they reach more than half of their adult body weight before they reach one year in age.

Kinder Goat Meat Production

kinder goat meat

So far, we have talked more about the breeding and milk production and not much about meat production. Kinder goats produce delicious meat, and they have a high dressing percentage (35 to 40 kilograms of meat with a dressing percentage of up to 60 percent). The kids mature quickly, so raising Kinder goats for meat production can be quite profitable, or you can use them to feed your own family and save money on your grocery bills. The quality of the meat is excellent.  

Buying Kinder Goats

raising kinder goats

For those who are interested in raising goats for milk and meat, Kinder goats prices start at $175 for unregistered does. The price for registered does starts at $200. This means that not only are these great goats for beginners, hobbyists, and homesteaders, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on the animals in order to have a few.

Getting started in Kinder goat farming is just like getting started in any other type of goat farming. You need to buy quality animals, make sure you have the proper Kinder goats shelter set up, and give them quality fodder. It is your responsibility to make sure that the animals are well cared for.

When it comes to buying Kinder goats, you need to consider a few things. For instance, you need to know how to purchase goats. It is important to make sure that that they are high quality, and that they are healthy. It is a good idea to start checking out livestock markets in your area to see what is available. If necessary, start venturing a little farther outside your area to find the best Kinder goats. You can also do online searches to find Kinder goats on classified ads.

The best online sites to begin looking are livestock and farm websites, although Kinder goats are not always readily available online. It is also a good idea to try the American Dairy Goat Association, the American Goat Federation, and the Kinder Goat Breeders Association.

Here are a few more things to consider when buying Kinder goats.

Bring along an expert

If you are a first-time goat buyer, it is a good idea to bring along someone who already has experience with Kinder goats. They can tell you what to look for, and help you find quality goats to bring home.

Bring a Veterinarian

If at all possible, see if you can find a veterinarian who will take a look at the animals you are considering buying. You need to know that the animals are healthy, and that they are not too old to breed.

Do your homework

If you are unable to bring in an expert or a veterinarian, or even if you are, it is important to do your homework and learn as much as you can about Kinder goats. That way, once you have them you will know how to properly care for them and have everything you need to make sure they are comfortable, healthy, and happy.

Shop around

Your goats are going to be an investment, so it is important to make sure you are getting the best animals for the best price. It is best to talk to numerous breeders and get the best prices. Generally, breeding quality kids cost an average of $300 to $350. Pet quality doelings without registration cost around $75 each.

Ask about vet checks and vaccinations

You can have your animals vaccinated yourself, but you should ask the breeders what vaccinations they have given the animals. The more vaccinations that are given by the breeders, the less of an expense you will have.

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